2022 Team – Octavia Owen – skipper, Chloe Collenette – Main trim, Arwen Fflur – Jib Trim, Charlotte Fensom – Pit/ Mast, Jasmine Boote – bow.
Octavia Owen (GBR) started sailing at West Kirby Sailing Club (WKSC) on the river Dee on the Wirral peninsula in England, with her family on their cruising boat from birth, which gave her the sailing bug at an early age! She started helming her own Cadet at age 7 with her brothers and long-time friend and teammate, Ruby. Octavia then progressed to Fireflies and team racing by age 11, eventually winning a silver medal at the ISAF Under 19 Team Racing World Championship at age 15. Along with her teammates, she decided to try match racing and they have been hooked ever since!